Bike Fitting

Fit your bike to avoid injury

While cycling is relatively easy on your joints, because of the constrained position and the repetitive nature of the sport, it can be easy to develop overuse injuries.

These injuries are often attributed to ramping up training mileage too quickly or being improperly positioned on your bike. Training errors can be avoided by following a proper training schedule. Fitting your bike to your body—not the other way around—helps achieve proper positioning.

It’s best to see a professional bike-fitter at a physical therapy clinic or your local bike shop, but here are some tips to alleviate common pains associated with cycling.

How Can a Professional Bike Fitting Help Me?

Whether you’re a cat 2 racer, mountain biker, or a complete novice, a professional bike fitting can make all the difference in the quality of your ride. Better alignment is sometimes the difference of millimeters, but it’s those millimeters that move you toward perfect alignment, reduce stress on the body, and increase performance.

Schedule your appointment today.