Pessary Fitting

What is Pessary?

A pessary can be a temporary or long-term solution for pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Pessaries come in many shapes and sizes. The device fits into your vagina and provides support to vaginal tissues displaced by pelvic organ prolapse. Your doctor can fit you for a pessary and help you decide which type would best suit your needs.

Types of Pessaries

Most are made out of silicone -- a harmless, soft, and nonabsorbent material. Types of pessaries include:

  • Ring. This circle-shaped device is often the first type of pessary doctors recommend. You can easily insert and remove it without a doctor’s help.

  • Gehrung. A U-shaped pessary that’s used for more advanced uterine prolapse, it is molded to fit its user.

  • Gellhorn. This disk-shaped device with a small knob in the middle is used for more severe prolapse.

  • Cube. This pessary is used for advanced-stage prolapse. It’s compacted down and inserted into the vagina where it uses suction to support the areas affected by prolapse.

Pessary Fitting

Although pessaries can be a good option, they often require some trial and error. Don’t get discouraged if the first one doesn’t work. It opens takes 2-3 trials of different pessaries until you find the right one.

Schedule your appointment today.