Diastasis Recti
Are you having trouble with Diastasis Recti?
Diastasis Recti is a stretching or thinning of the connective tissue that connects your abdominals (specifically your rectus abdominis). This is a very common, in fact, normal thing that happens during pregnancy. Your abs need to stretch to make room for your baby. A study from the Journal of Manual Therapy from 2015 showed that 100% of women had a diastasis recti at 35 weeks. So, despite what trainers are trying to sell to you online, diastasis is not one of those things that are preventable. Diastasis recti is not something you should fear, although it is confusing and there is a lot of misinformation out there, many women will heal naturally and be able to return to exercise with no problems!
So, although you are unable to prevent having a diastasis (despite what trainers on social media say), there are things you can do postpartum to begin to heal your diastasis.
Here at Shift Physical Therapy, our Physical Therapists can assess factors that are causing your diastasis to persist. We will assess for:
Diastasis Recti Assessment
Sternal Angle
Pelvic Floor Function
Rib Mobility
Glute & Core Strength
Are you needing a little more help?
If you are needing a little more help, make an appointment today with Shift Physical Therapy in St. George, UT. We set aside time in our schedule where you can talk directly with a healthcare professional who specializes in diastasis recti and helping women get back to activities and improve core function
We offer this as a courtesy to our clients so can get your questions answered before committing to booking an appointment. If you a ready to take action, let’s chat. Schedule a consultation now.
Phone: 435-767-1252